It has been awhile since I was here. It's interesting how time can seemingly pass into oblivion - unnoticed - sinking into the annals of history. No matter how hard one tries, the temporal wheel continues to spin.
I glance at the calendar, just 2 1/2 more weeks of summer school. I don't know whether to be happy or depressed. I should be pleased to have two weeks of rest and relaxation. Two weeks without pay...perhaps that is the problem. Perhaps the prospect of returning to this organization....well...I'll leave it at that.
The dogs...hairless once again...are allergic - to something. No one knows what. I've come to think of them as New Mexican hairless mixed breeds. The best thing to do for them is to leave the general area...perhaps Florida entirely. The north would do fine. If only the Universe would cooperate.
My good friend, fellow blogger, and co-conspirator on the Worded Rhythms web site - Jane Lytle - will have her book on herbs published - YEAH!!! Now, we'll see if my herb illustrations will pass the proverbial publication department with a "go ahead."
Cross your fingers and grab the bars, for the wheel is spinning at break neck speed.
What do you think? Should I go on for a PhD? I think I've got a pretty good grasp of bullshit.
*B.A./M.A. anthropology
*12 years experience within that field
*1+ years teaching dyslexic students
*Healthy dose of reality and down-and-out poverty caused by universal-thrown curve balls...AKA economics
*Creative - well - can be
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