Imagine a world where your backyard - your home is destroyed by others - buried beneath a sea of concrete and new homes - unlike yours. Imagine being imprisoned because you think and live in a manner different than others. Imagine being forced to fight - where the loser dies - for entertainment. Imagine being dragged behind a vehicle, having body parts cut off, or hung. Imagine being hunted down and shot for the sole reason of existing in the first place. Imagine being part of an experiment - one where you had no choice but to participate. Imagine being given a deadly virus so that others could watch you die. Imagine.
These cruelties are played out each and everyday. When we commit these atrocities to each other, humanity weeps. When we commit these acts on animals, it is called progress. We are the most destructive animal this planet has ever seen, and like a virus we overtake and destroy the body in which we reside.
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