Boy Scouts and FEMA
It is simple and to the point, "Be prepared." You'd think this motto belonged to FEMA. It doen't; it belongs to the Boy Scouts. FEMA has a similar motto, "A nation prepared." Perhaps they should learn from the Boy Scouts, or at least Websters, what prepared actually means. It means that one has the equipment, personnel, and plan in place before an emergency situation arises. A Hurricane Named Katrina made it pointedly clear that FEMA, local officials, and the White House failed not only to prepare but also to lead; they failed to act.
Okay, I'm clearly being unfair. Chertoff, Brown, and other high-ranking government officials weren't informed about the motto and didn't know it existed. If it didn't exist, then they didn't have to understand it, let alone, live up to it - they don't need to be responsible; it is obviously the Secretary of Mottos fault for not informing them of their Motto duty. Or, did they mix up the FEMA motto with that of the Sixth US Army, "Born for war?" After all, our leadership appears to think more highly of Middle Eastern matters than those we face here at home. Until our leadership realizes that we face catastrophes, poverty, lack of health care, and poor education here at home, please, Mr. President, put the Boy Scouts in charge of FEMA. As a resident of Florida, it would make me rest a little easier knowing that those in charge would actually "Be Prepared."
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