The Hypocritical Right
Religious zealots masquerading as religious leaders are among the most frightening people in the world. In my opinion, they are far worse than serial killers. Why? They kill thousands more than any serial killer can dream of. They use their holy pulpits and TV shows to speak to millions of fire and brimstone with the purpose of igniting violence – a call to arms. A call for violence is usually not a core belief system for most religions – the necessity for violence and war for political and economic reasons…well…assassinations are par for the course.
Pat Robertson, the 700 Club prime-time brainwasher, was quoted as saying: "Without question this is a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil that could hurt us very badly. We have the ability to take him [Chavez] out and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator."
War for Oil – all in the name of God! Amen! This must be what our esteemed, "well-spoken" president must be thinking because, as usual, he hasn't gotten a hold of his advisor to tell him how he should react and what he should say. Perhaps Monday will be more convenient.
Religious congregations should pick up their own bibles and actually READ it and think for themselves – particularly the parts about loving your neighbor, not killing, and least I forget, the part about not being the judge of others….I don't recall any parts calling for violent means for political or economic gain. Maybe it's written in invisible ink visible only to those in power.
From the pulpit of Planet Shortbread, this has been another blogly rant. Now if you’ll pass in the offering plate, I’d be much obliged.
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