The U.S. Senate and the Gay Marriage Ban
I shake my head in disgust as I read the article. The U.S. Senate has voted 10-8 to place the Gay Marriage Ban Constitutional amendment before the Senate for a debate. It disgusts me that this country, the place where I reside, is still petty enough to judge others by traits other than human compassion. Slavery was okayed for decades because it was mentioned in the Bible. Placing Asian Americans - mostly Japanese - in concentration camps during WWII was justified because...well...they were probably plotting something "evil" against us. I won't mention that women weren't allowed to vote until the 1920s, or that blacks were denied a decent education and the pleasure of sitting whereever they wanted to in a bus. As I shake my head from the bigotry that still thrives in our government and amongst the masses, I angrily think back to the horrible treatment this country has administered to Native Americans - from massaquering them, giving them small-pox infected blankets, denying their freedom to practice their religious beliefs, to gather in celebration, or even to speak their native languages. I'm sure it was for their "own good". Now this. When will people learn that the ability to genuinely care about another person has absolutely nothing to do with race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation - it depends upon that person's basic core character.
I would propose to our government officials - that if a constitutional ban on gay marriage is considered, perhaps you should try banning all marriage ceremonies - they are after all, sanctioned by God, and there is a stipulation that states that there will be a separation of Church and State. To deny the beliefs of one is not abiding by the separation of church and state - an important little saying which allows all individuals who reside within this country to be able to freely practice their religious beliefs. For some religions, the marriage between same-sex partners is allowed. To ban this partnership through Constitutional means is allowing our government to once again - be hypocritical.
If I am not allowed to persue happiness, speak freely, gather in public places, or enjoy the freedom of my religious beliefs when the constitution of my country "says" that I am able to, then our Constitution is simply a false document that should be burned. Our governing officials disgrace this document on a daily basis - they lie, cheat, mislead the people, spy domestically, remove peaceful demonstrators, and start wars to bolster their personal egos. I'm sick of it. I'd rather pay my taxes to a government who sees me as a worthwhile human being, not as a blasphemous freak of nature.
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