Be Green

Time flies when you're working on self-sustainability! Since my last post, my partner and I moved to our new home (actually, an existing one) on 4.3 acres in northern New Hampshire. We have also obtained two miniature donkey weanlings; they will be our main garden fertilizers, built a small barn, put up a fence using trees and downed limbs on the property, chipped a LOT of mulch for use as barn bedding from all the tiny twigs we didn't chop for firewood or use as fencing, and winterizing the house. Busy, busy, busy! Next spring will be the building of a chicken coop, buying chickens, and marking the property boundaries; however, game trails for the deer, moose, and bear will be open for their use. It's not just our home!
Slowly, but surely, my partner and I are realizing a dream - to become self-sustaining. Proceeds from book sales and from sales garnered from Cafe Press and Zazzle contribute to this dream. Interested in helping someone "go green?" - click a link and browse. Thanks for your support.
From the home of Planet Shortbread to yours, Happy Holidays!