Constitutional Alteration
Once upon a time there were two pieces of paper called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These two documents served as a reminder to the people that they had rights and that their government was there to enforce them. These documents also served as the basis for limiting government power over the people so that it would not develop into a dictatorship. These outdated documents also outlined what the government could and could not do, including that it had the right to raise an army for the country's defense.
Decades past and the rights outlined in these pieces of parchment became increasingly eroded. Slowly at first, the people didn't seem to notice, or care, that their government gained ever-increasing control over them. Some voices cried out that leaving a state of isolationism would be this country's downfall. The government ignored those voices, embraced nuclear technology, became the first and only nation to employ weapons of mass destruction, and began its prowl for world domination and control. Still the people refused to see the monster beneath their beds.
September 11, 2001 brought the destruction of the World Trade Center. Fear and outrage erupted from the people. The government fanned those fears and plunged the nation into a war without just cause. Other nations became alarmed and suspicious of this nation's boldness. The people stood back and allowed the government to openly strip more rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The government openly sneered other worldly leaders. No longer are the people guaranteed legal access, fair trials, or torture-free treatment. The monster has crawled out from beneath the bed.
Besides the creation of the Patriot Act and CIA Blacksites, and condoning torture, the government blackmailed and coerced colleges and universities stating that if you want federal dollars then you must allow our military recruiters on your campuses. Colleges and universities protested stating that recruiters for other potential employers that employed discrimination policies were not allowed on campus; allowing the military would be hypocritical and undermine their policies. The governmental monster raised its ugly head and glared down at those that dared defy its power and simply said, "If you do not comply, then you will lose your funding." Colleges without funding are like businesses without customers; they go under. The "checks and balances" of the government abusing its power has been lost; the universities folded.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights from 1776 have been "lost" we are told. However, we the people have been assured that the new versions, reconstructed in 2012, are accurate. They simply state that the government has total control and that the people will comply. The masses will attend a Christian church every Sunday, on rotating shifts so that the production of weapons does not stop. Everything you say and do will be monitored. Those who do not yield will be incarcerated in a prison of unknown location. Those that are taken never return.
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