December. Seems like yesterday that Planet Shortbread became a blog reality...just last April. Unlike my attempts at journaling, I actually enjoy entering my mental gibberish on cyber-canvas.
Then I pause about all the entries I've entered over the last 8 months. Mostly political commentary. Much of it rants. How can I change the tone a little? Doesn't everyone understand that the majority of politicians are crooked? They have, do, and will take bribes and vote for interests other than those pertinent to their constituents. The fall of Cunningham is nothing new. Senator McCain fell in the apparently doesn't matter much to the American voter; McCain is still in office even though he "dirtied his hands." Corrupt politicians is as American as hot dogs and a baseball game. Surely every American can clearly see that politicians never answer questions directly, give different answers depending upon who their audience is, and waffle on all issues depending upon how close it is to re-election time. Not to mention, anyone directly associated with the White House is not responsible for illegal occurrences happening in lower levels of the bureaucracy....CEOs in the private sector are held accountable, but leaders of our country...heck no!
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